Joe Edidin
Joe has been a homebrewer since 2001 and a Tennessee resident since 2003. He has been organizing homebrew competitions since 2014. Thanks to the tutelage of Matt Raby and many others along the way, he has been a BJCP Nationally ranked judge since 2016.
These days he spends most of his spare time with his family, traveling, disc golfing and sometimes even two of those things at the same time.
Tim with wife Nicole, son Alex, and daughter Ava
Tim Jenkins - Organizer emeritus
Tim spent his formative years in northeast Tennessee and began homebrewing in 2009 while still in college. He became BJCP Certified rank in 2016, quickly securing a National rank. He actively participates in the BJCP as an exam grader and has taught local courses on BJCP certification.
Tim is the father of two precocious children and works as an occupational therapist. He is also an adjunct professor at Milligan College, his alma mater. If you get an invite to drink from the taps in his garage, don’t forego the opportunity.
Matt goofing around during a formal dinner in Normandy 2022. He describes the ciders there as “otherworldly.”
Matt Raby - Organizer emeritus
Matt is the founder of Tennessee Championship of Beers and is a lifelong resident of Tennessee. He began homebrewing in 2007 and his passion for the hobby doubled in 2011 when became a BJCP National ranked judge. He has since taught many classes on BJCP certification and hosted events to educate consumers on what constitutes quality beverages. He frequently judges national events for beer, cider, and spirits and travels abroad with his amazing wife to find fresh examples of classic styles.
He works as an manufacturing automation engineer and enjoys backpacking, where he has been given the trail name of Cocktail Junior for the libations he creates in the backwoods.