2024 Registration is now closed

General Rules

  • Only commercial breweries licensed with the TTB can enter.

  • Only breweries located in Tennessee at the time of the competition can enter.

  • “Commercially Available” beers are the only eligible beers. This means that the beer is currently or has been available for sale to the public within six months preceding the competition date.

  • There are no entry caps from each brewery. Each brewery can enter as many beers as they wish.

  • A limit of 300 total beers for TCOB will be imposed for 2024. The first 300 beers registered AND PAID will be allotted the slots for judging. If you register beers and do not pay for the entry before all paid slots are taken, your entry will be removed from registration and you will be notified by email.

  • Best of Show - One or more judge pairs will evaluate your beer, judging it to the 2021 BJCP guidelines for the style you enter it has.  Those same judge pairs, after judging all the beers in that category, will determine the top 3 beers at that table.  The top beer at each table will then go to the Best of Show table.  Here, 3-5 high ranking BJCP judges, Certified Cicerones, or qualified Professional Brewers will judge the top beers at each table and select the top 3 beers overall for the competition. 

  • TCOB Brewery of the Year - For each medal you receive, you will get a certain amount of points. Each medal has a corresponding point allotted (Bronze – 1 point, Silver – 2 points, Gold – 3 points).  Best of Show medals will also have points allotted (3rd BOS – 1 point, 2nd BOS – 2 points, 1st BOS – 3 points).  The brewery with the most cumulative points will win TN Championship of Beers Brewery of the Year.

  • TCOB Cidery of the Year - For each medal you receive, you will get a certain amount of points. Each medal has a corresponding point allotted (Bronze – 1 point, Silver – 2 points, Gold – 3 points).  Best of Show medals will also have points allotted (3rd BOS – 1 point, 2nd BOS – 2 points, 1st BOS – 3 points).  The cidery with the most cumulative points will win TN Championship of Beers Cidery of the Year.

  • Other rules will be listed on the TCOB Registration Site, which will go live on August 9th.

If assistance is required to determine which category a beer should be entered, please contact Joe Edidin at joe.edidin@gmail.com

The 2021 BJCP Style Guidelines will be used for the competition. They are located at https://www.bjcp.org/download/2021_Guidelines_Beer.pdf



Fees per entry will be $50 per entry (compared to $160-$385 for GABF!) Fees cover the cost of expenses to administer the TCOB, awards/medals, and to support BJCP judges in Tennessee.

Registering your Beer

  • The 2024 registration window is August 28th - October 26th. The registration website will go live on August 9th with the full list of details and rules. Most of that information is listed below.

Submitting your Beer

  • One of the following formats will be acceptable.

    • Three (3) 12 oz. bottles/cans

    • 22oz/500ml/750ml bottles are accepted. Three (3) of these will be required for judging

    • Glass Growlers are accepted but WILL NOT BE RETURNED! (The logistics and shipping costs are too much). If you send Growlers, we only need 2 per entry. 

    • No packaging/bottles will be returned.

Drop-Off Location

Entry bottles accepted at our drop-off location from Saturday 10/12 - Saturday 10/26, 2024

Tri-Hop Brewery - 205 Court St., Maryville, TN 37804

Shipping Info

Entry bottles accepted at our shipping location from Saturday 10/12 - Saturday 10/26, 2024

Ship entries to:

Tri-Hop Brewery c/o TN Championship of Beer - 205 Court St., Maryville, TN 37804

All entries must be received before Saturday, October 26th.

Categorizing your Beer

  • The BJCP style guidelines that your beer will be judged by can be located at:

  • If you have a specialty beer that has fruit, wood, coffee, agave nectar, or just doesn’t quite fit one of these styles, we will require some additional info. We’ll be happy to help you categorize your beer so you see maximum points from the judges. We can be reached at joe.edidin@gmail.com.

  • Our judges are trained to judge your beer based on what you indicate was the intended style and specialty profile. Beer not entered in the correct category could cause it to have a much lower score where if entered in the most appropriate category would bring a much higher score. We will not adjust categories day of the competition. We are not responsible for mis-categorized beers. If you have a question, please ask. We are here to help!